Name textures are down
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Linden Lab has done something in their latest server release, and it's broken the bot I use to upload name textures. This means that new players will not see their names on game scoreboards.
Having the name on the board above the piste is useful, and more so for newer players - to see themselves and their score - if at all possible. At the rare times it hasn't worked for one reason or another in the past, it's created a small bit of confusion with newer players.
As Aries asked, will this also mess up the local/world ranking boards we scatter around?
-= Kas Kwietz =-
Yes, this affects the name display above the piste, as well as on the leader boards.
An, by the way. this is not just En Garde. All my games use the same system to display names with a nice font. Can't Stop, Frootcake, Take it Easy, and Danger Zone -- none of them are currently showing names for new players.
Kas, do you think moving to a HTML system would be disruptive? It means that people using the old viewer would not see their names.
For En Garde, I assume this applies to both the World/Local ranking board and the scoreboard over the piste?
Personally, I think seeing their names is more important for the new players than for the more experienced ones. Based on this, I would appreciate if there was a solution.
Btw - HTML-on-a-prim works in the Emerald Beta too.
I hope you are able to find a fix, Rifkin.
~ Aries Oh ~